Submitted by Jennifer Vornbrock, Director, Strategy Deployment, Vancouver
An ROP — Required Organizational Practice — is a practice Accreditation Canada considers critical to the delivery of safe, high-quality service. Surveyors will be paying close attention to these practices — including ethics — when they evaluate VCH sites and services in November.

Monica Redekopp: “Ethics is a passion of mine and one of the critically important areas Accreditation Canada considers.”
Learn the latest about our accreditation journey in Issue 4 of our Vancouver Accreditation Newsletter, which covers:
- ROPs and what we’re doing about them in Vancouver
- ethics and the work underway to form five Vancouver ethics committees based on patient populations
- our next steps toward accreditation
You’ll also meet two of the surveyors who will be visiting us in November.
Read more about Vancouver Accreditation on VCH Connect.