Patio Gardens integral part of Three Bridges staff wellness

Three Bridges Patio gardens, left to right are Kathy Griffiths, Florence Cajiuat, Anne Carten, June Wyse, Susan Bird, Tannis Weber, Aliya Dhanani.
Summer is here and the Infant Child and Youth team at Three Bridges CHC are enjoying the “fruits” of their labor with the patio gardens in full bloom. We are enjoying such edible produce as peas, squash, tomatoes, strawberries, garlic and a variety of herbs-basil, oregano, mint, parsley.
It began in the spring with a team building day consisting of touring some of our local community gardens. The gardens that we saw are as a result of a growing movement of people who have a different vision for our food system, a vision that includes access to local, sustainably produced food.
We learned about the importance of connecting to the local food system. Each team member contributed a plant that was added to our gardens and a watering schedule put in place.
We acknowledge that food is essential to life and health and we all know that eating a healthy diet is a key factor in healthy growth and disease prevention. But living in an urban centre, we are increasingly disconnected from our food sources.
How many of us grew up eating food from a family garden?
Maybe you grew up eating the majority of your food from a family garden.
What is your favorite memory? Mine is of picking a carrot, wiping it on my jeans or the grass and eating it right there. I can still remember the sweet, crunchy taste. … Now, do you even know where your food comes from?
In Vancouver we are lucky, as there are a number of ways to support the local food system. You can:
- grow it yourself
- join a community garden
- support the Local Farmers Markets
- support UBC farm
- buy a share in Community Supported Agriculture (there are over 60 urban farmers in Vancouver)
- get involved with your Neighbourhood Food Network
- go to a Vancouver Food Policy Council meeting
As you enjoy the warmth and sunshine of summertime, we encourage you to think about what local food means to you and if there is a way you would like to get more involved.
Remember this famous quote by Margaret Mead:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”