Vancouver Acute physicians awarded for special achievements
Every year it is a great honour and privilege to take a step back from our busy days and to recognize the special achievements of our fellow physicians, colleagues and friends. This year, Vancouver Acute Services celebrates the contributions of more than 160 physicians, including those marking service milestones with VCH. While the selection process for our Physician Academic Awards is never easy, it does provide a remarkable and motivating scan of the depth and breadth of the character and fabric of our colleagues with whom we work side-by-side on a daily basis. This year’s award winners represent the best in us and who we aspire to be. On behalf of our medical, dental and allied staff, and the 2012 awards selection committee, I wholeheartedly congratulate this year’s winners.
Dr. G. B. John Mancini Chair, Selection Committee, Physician Academic Awards Director, Continuing Medical Education, and Professor, Division of Cardiology, UBC Department of Medicine

Pictured left to right: Nominator Dr. Kenneth Gin, Award Winner Dr. Graham Wong and Chair of the Selection Committee Dr. John Mancini
Dr. Graham Wong Bobby Miller Award for Excellence in Teaching
“Dr. Wong is looked upon as a fountain of knowledge and is able to transfer this information with ease. He is respectful and a true role model for Residents.” – Dr. Kenneth G. Gin
A review of Residents’ teaching evaluations explains why Dr. Wong has won so many teaching awards. His enthusiasm, respect for patients and students, great mentoring ability and more earn him high praise and the admiration of many.
Dr. Wong has an interest in clinical cardiology and conducts research in the areas of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) as well as ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). The VGH Coronary Care Unit, which he leads, has a long-standing reputation as one of the premier teaching units in B.C., and Dr. Wong’s cardiology rotation is consistently rated among the top three offered by the Internal Medicine Resident program.
Since joining UBC in 2003, Dr. Wong has received the Shelley Naiman Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching in 2004, 2006 and 2009. In 2010, he received the UBC Clinical Faculty Award for Clinical Teacher of the Year, as well as the Clinical Mentor Award from the UBC Cardiology Postgraduate Training Program.
Dr. Wong is currently Director of the Coronary Care Unit at VGH, Regional Director of Acute Cardiac Care for VCH and a Clinical Associate Professor in the UBC Division of Cardiology.
Dr. Peter O’Brien Clinical Excellence Award
“Dr. O’Brien’s expertise has enabled numerous patients to return to productive lives.” – Dr. Bas Masri
Dr. O’Brien began his career in Orthopaedic Trauma in the mid-1980s, when few specialized in the area. He has since dedicated his career to caring for injured patients, and his research on the treatment of long bone fractures with intramedullary nailing has significantly advanced his specialty. Most notably, Dr. O’Brien has improved outcomes for injured patients, many of whom experienced a devastating injury leaving them with a life-changing disability.
His reputation as an excellent traumatologist extends beyond B.C. to national and international circles. In recognition of his clinical excellence, he served as President of the Canadian Orthopaedic Association from 2008 to 2009, and he has provided editorship to the Canadian Journal of Surgery and the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma.
Dr. O’Brien is currently Head of the Division of Orthopaedic Trauma at VCH-Vancouver and an Associate Professor in the UBC Division of Orthopaedic Trauma, Department of Orthopaedics.

Pictured left to right: Nominator Dr. Bruce Foster, Award Winner Dr. David Lee and Chair of the Selection Committee Dr. John Mancini
Dr. David Li Scientific Achievement Award
“I believe there is a compelling argument that Dr. Li has made some of the most important international contributions to MS research through his many years of involvement with the UBC MS/MRI Research Group.” – Dr. Bruce B. Forster
Dr. Li is a global pioneer in the field of MRI and the diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS). He joined UBC and VGH in 1979, and he has been a faculty member of the Department of Radiology since that time.
One of the first radiologists in Canada to advance MRI, Dr. Li, along with the late Dr. Donald Paty, started the first worldwide centralized MRI analysis lab for MS clinical trials. The protocols Dr. Li established have become international standards for central analysis labs around the world.
Dr. Li was also pivotal in establishing the use of MRI in diagnosing MS and in providing evidence that directly led to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s approval of interferon beta 1b (known as Beta Seron) as the first effective treatment for MS – a revolutionary advance in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. In addition, he has developed standardized protocol and guidelines for imaging in routine clinical practice for the diagnosis and follow-up of MS patients.
Dr. Li is currently Director of the UBC MS/MRI Research Group, as well as a UBC Professor in the Department of Radiology and an Associate Member of Medicine (Neurology).
Dr. Mark Heywood Committee Service Award
“Mark is a skilled leader and, like many overachievers, his service is not confined to our institution.” – Dr. Dianne Miller
As the outgoing President of the Medical, Dental and Allied Staff Organization, Dr. Heywood has sat on numerous committees representing the interests of his colleagues and peers.
Dr. Heywood currently sits on the Medical Advisory Committee and the Surgical Executive Team, representing the VGH Gynecology Department. He has advocated for new initiatives, steadfastly supporting change to benefit patients. And, while specializing in Gynecologic Oncology, he is readily recognized and admired for advocating fairly on behalf of all services.
During his tenure as President of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC) from 2001 to 2012, Dr. Heywood devoted numerous hours in support of the SOGC and its activities in Canada, including leading the development of a new strategic plan and overseeing the adoption of a governance structure review. Serving as Past President today, Dr. Heywood continues his efforts in the advancement of women’s health.
Dr. Heywood is currently Site Head, VGH Department of Gynecology, and a Clinical Professor in the UBC Department Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Pictured left to right: Nominator Dr. Scott Durham, Award Winner Dr. Murray Morrison and Chair of the Selection Committee Dr. John Mancini.
Dr. Murray Morrison Award for Bringing Clinical Renown to Vancouver Acute Services
“Given his national and international stature, Dr. Morrison represents one of our best kept secrets.” – Dr. Scott Durham
Dr. Morrison first gained national and international stature in the subspecialty of head and neck oncologic surgery before turning his interest to the then-developing field of Laryngology in the late 1980s and early ’90s.
Dr. Morrison established a voice lab at VGH for clinical and basic science research. His research on muscle tension disorders led to the development of a classification of muscle tension dysphonia that remains widely used around the world to this day. He also pioneered the multidisciplinary voice consult combining otolaryngology, speech pathology and psychiatric assessment of complex voice disorders.
His influential textbook, Management of Voice Disorders, now in its second edition, is distributed worldwide and translated into Spanish. He has been invited as a visiting professor to many programs and, recognizing his expertise, he has been invited as a speaker and panelist to numerous international meetings and conferences. In turn, Dr. Morrison has attracted candidates from as far away as Singapore, Thailand and England through Canada’s first fellowship in Laryngology. He established the UBC/VCH Laryngology Fellowship in 1982, and 15 fellows trained in this subspecialty of Otolaryngology between 1982 and 2005.
Dr. Morrison is currently a Professor Emeritus in the Division of Otolaryngology, Department of Surgery, UBC and VGH.
Dr. Grant Stiver Special Service Award
“Dr. Stiver’s compassion and considerable people skills are reflected in both his clinical and teaching activities.” – Dr. Peter Phillips
Since joining the UBC Division of Infectious Diseases as academic faculty 30 years ago, Dr. Stiver has distinguished himself as a pioneer of innovative management of infectious disease, including Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy (OPAT). Home-based self-administration of intravenous antibiotics is now a widespread practice, contributing to greater patient satisfaction and reduced hospital stays.
Dr. Stiver’s main clinical research interest is in influenza, and he is a member of the Pandemic Influenza Committee (PIC) of the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Expert Task Group on Oseltamivir Resistance, and he serves as co-chair of the Clinical Care Working Group of PIC. He is also a member of the Vancouver Vaccine Evaluation Centre.
In addition to his accomplishments as an academic and clinician, Dr. Stiver is recognized as a superb teacher. Medical students and post-graduate trainees appreciate his practical approach, his down-to-earth teaching style and his informative and engaging presentations.
He has served as Chair of the Department of Medicine Undergraduate Committee, from 1994 to 2009, and as Chair of the Division of Infectious Diseases, MSI and Core Resident Training Committee, from 1981 to 1992.
Dr. Stiver is currently a Professor Emeritus in the Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, UBC and VGH.