You told us:”It’s about time!”

We launched the Smoke Free Campaign at VGH last week and you’ve had lots to say about it! We’ve received dozens of emails from VCH staff, members of the public and even from staff at other health authorities. Many of you told us that you were happy that management is “finally” trying to stamp out smoking on site.

“I think this is WONDERFUL this problem is being addressed….there should be a better monitoring of patients and visitors who smoke at entrance ways to our facilities. I am a non-smoker, never have smoked and find it offensive to have to walk through ‘clouds’ of smoke when entering our work place.”


“This is such great news!!  Good job!  I’m very impressed.”


“The loading dock on 10th Ave is a very popular place to smoke… The ground is littered with cigarette butts and when you exit the building you have to walk through clouds of smoke. There are official no smoking signs posted on the doors but they have no affect. When you point to the signs you are either laughed at or ignored. I hope that hospital management starts enforcing the rules and is successful in stopping people smoking on hospital grounds.”


We’ve also had dozens of people visit us at our information booths. The booth will be set up November 20 to 23, in the VGH main hallway across from the gift shop.

Since we launched the campaign, several staff members have expressed interest in the next staff quit smoking support group. If you’re ready to try to quit, call 604 675.3801. There are prizes for staff who sign up!

Keep the comments coming! Email us at Have questions about the Smoke Free Premise Policy or new campaign? Read the FAQ on our Intranet page.