A shining success: Foundation gala breaks all revenue records

The stars shone bright (l to r): Melissa Howe, wife of former patient Steve Howe (far right), and event emcees Gloria Macarenko, CBC TV, and Stephen Quinn, CBC Radio.
By all accounts, it was a shining sucess.The Night of a Thousand Stars Gala broke records on November 16 when more than $700,000 was raised for the hospitals and programs that VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation fundraises for; Vancouver General Hospital (VGH), UBC Hospital, GF Strong Rehab Centre and Community Health Services.
Highlights of the evening included silent and live auctions, gourmet dinner, and a video featuring Steve Howe, a young

Steve Howe, husband and new father, shared his story of undergoing 78 surgeries at VGH and significant physical rehabilitation at GF Strong.
man from Squamish, injured in an accident, who – after undergoing 78 surgeries at VGH and significant physical rehabilitation at our GF Strong Rehab Centre – has gone on to marry, have a family, and return to work. Steve, his wife Melissa, along with his favourite doctor and ICU nurse – Dr. Richard Simons and Steve Sells, respectively – received a resounding round of applause from the audience. There was also a special presentation of this year’s Leadership Award to community leaders and generous donors Syd and Joanne Belzberg.A speech by Foundation President & CEO Ron Dumouchelle inspired one donor to double his previously made commitment to the Joseph & Rosalie Segal Family Centre – the mental health project being constructed at VGH – from $1 million to $2 million.
And, the energy from auctioneer Howard Blank of Great Canadian Gaming Corporation, inspired attendees to give more than $400,000 to “fund a need.” This year’s feature need: ventilators to help critically ill and injured patients breathe.
Event emcees were Gloria Macarenko (CBC TV) and Stephen Quinn (CBC Radio). The Beatles Tribute Band, Revolver, did a great job of filling the dance floor.
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