Documentary film crew grateful for glimpse into the VGH Emergency Department

The following is a letter from the Production Manager of the film crew that is creating a documentary about the VGH Emergency Department. For details about the documentary, please refer to the February VCH News story.

film crewFirst, I just wanted to thank you for all of your help and support this season. Many of the crew have told me that working on this show has left a huge impression on them and made them appreciate life’s precious fragility that can change in a moment’s notice. They have all felt privileged to been able to witness life changing events for the many patients who have come through the doors of the Emergency Department and the actions of the many dedicated caring individuals at Vancouver General Hospital. Many of them have commented how their experiences have convinced them to tell their friends and family how much they love them more often, to look both ways when crossing the street, to drive with more care and attention and most importantly to smile at complete strangers because that small act of kindness can make the difference in someone’s day.

In our fast paced world we often forget to pass on our thanks and appreciation to others. I wanted you to know, from myself and the crew, our thanks and appreciation to the many dedicated individuals who have shown us their hospitality, professionalism and support.

Thank you.


David Magee

Production Manager.

Stat Productions I Inc.