Final draft vision created for Pearson Dogwood lands

Dogwood Lodge contains 113 beds and was constructed in 1974 as an intermediate care facility for persons with far lower levels of cognitive and physical impairment than those residents who live there now.
Two public Open Houses will be hosted by the City of Vancouver next week to unveil the final draft concept plan created for the Pearson Dogwood redevelopment. The vision includes a range of new housing options, a new community health centre, a new residential care home, and a renewed therapeutic pool.
The sessions are slated for Thursday, September 12, from 5 to 8 p.m. and on Saturday, September 14, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Both Open Houses will be held at Pearson Dogwood Redevelopment Office, located on the George Pearson site.
Anyone interested in this redevelopment project is welcome to attend either of next week’s Open Houses.
What comes next?
Through extensive public input that occurred over last winter and into this spring, the redevelopment project’s design team has produced a final draft concept for the 25-acre site.
This final set of Open Houses will help VCH now determine its Best and Final Design for the site which will be formally presented to Vancouver City Council in December.

Constructed in the 1950s, George Pearson Centre is home to 120 residents who live with a range of physical disabilities — multiple sclerosis, spinal cord and traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy and a variety of other conditions.
Pearson Dogwood Redevelopment is a long-term project. Due to the redevelopment’s extensive and on-going public process, project construction would not begin anytime before 2015 and will likely extend outward for the next eight to 10 years.
To keep up-to-date on what’s happening on the Pearson Dogwood lands, please visit the Pearson Dogwood Redevelopment Project website.
Links to more Pearson Dogwood Redevelopment stories:
Pearson Dogwood draft concept plans give the community something concrete to think about
Pearson Dogwood redevelopment design concepts go public next week
Pearson-Dogwood residents, staff, families invited to first Open Houses
Planning underway for a new mixed-use community in Vancouver