Take our kids to work day at the JPOR
The annual “Take Our Kids to Work” day was held November 6, 2013 at the Jim Pattison Operating Room (JPOR) at VGH. This type of event is recognized across North America and on the first Wednesday of November every year, more than 250,000 Grade 9 students and at least 75,000 businesses and organizations nationwide participate.
Twenty-eight registered participants and children of our dedicated VGH-JPOR staff had the wonderful opportunity to see first hand the professionalism of their diligent parents and other members of the OR staff.

Laparoscopic procedure demonstration
Thanks to all volunteers. speakers, facilitators for contributing to such a successful learning and positive experience for the students. It is considered a great initiative and we are fortunate that it is supported by our Department Manager which enables us to hold the program every year, with several representatives from different specialties demonstrating the various skills practiced in their sections. Janet Lowe, JPOR Manager added “It is an important piece to ensure we have people to care for us in our elder years!”.
TOKW provides the students with the opportunity to experience and learn about the world of work as they begin to explore possible career paths. It gives them awareness of the importance of staying at school and learning first hand what skills are required in today’s workplace. It gives them understanding that there are several career choices available in the hospital as well as in healthcare in general. Also, they develop an appreciation for their parents’ careers and roles in supporting their families. Julia, Grade 9 student remarked ” I never get to see where my dad actually works!I always go to his office but never in the Operating room, it has been a great and very engaging activity”.
In the program, students were able to see the entire physical environment and experienced the unique opportunities that were offered. Speakers were able to share with the students the educational tools and experiences necessary to succeed in tomorrow’s workplace and presenters’ were able to let children handle some advance technologies that are available in the department. Charlie, a participant commented “After experiencing what we have seen in the program, I would like to consider a career in surgery”. Another student Ryland added “Being a military medical staff is quite fascinating!”. With this exposure of the details of our workplace dynamics it helps students make an informed educated decision of a possible future healthcare career.

Spine surgery presentation for students
Indeed, organizing the event does involve weeks of planning but the reward and the positive outcome to both parents and students are immeasurable.