Misunderstood no more

Struggling with heart disease since her early 40s years, one 52-year-old patient felt misunderstood and hopeless. Not knowing where to turn, the patient scheduled a visit at the Mayo Clinic in the U.S. Then, just one week before leaving, everything changed. That’s when the patient met Dr. Tara Sedlak of our Leslie Diamond Women’s Heart Health Clinic. The rest, you could say, is history. Here’s why:

“My experience with Dr. Sedlak proved to be the turning point for me. After I met with her I felt excited and hopeful that she had a plan for me, that she believed me, and that she actually cared what happened to me. I remember saying to my daughter “she’s a keener and a keeper” and I felt that finally there was hope. I cancelled my appointment at the Mayo Clinic and decided to see what results would unfold in the following weeks. Dr. Sedlak scheduled a stress test a week later that was strongly positive. She next scheduled a CT scan to rule out fibromuscular dysplasia, and an adenosine MRI to look for microvascular disease . Dr. Sedlak consulted with Dr. Saw (lnterventional Cardiologist at VGH and an expert on fibromuscular dysplasia) on test findings, and because my symptoms had escalated to the point where such tasks as talking or straining a pot of potatoes caused severe symptoms, it was decided to proceed with an angiogram in combination with an FFR test of the left main, and it was determined that a stent was necessary. Dr. Sedlak also felt that in addition to left main disease, a component of my condition also included microvascular disease and she prescribed an anti-angina drug acquired through special authority from the States called Ranolazine. Presently, my treatment is ongoing but my symptoms have significantly improved with the stent placement and the implementation of the anti-angina drug, and I now have a cardiologist who I trust and who has a vision for my health care that parallels that of the Mayo Clinic, “to inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient ….

The health care provided to me prior to meeting Dr. Sedlak and her team felt scattered, with no clear direction or coordinated plan, no feeling that there was an end, and absolutely no hope. Dr. Tara Sedlak positively changed my life. Not only did she have expertise in women’s heart health and microvascular disease, but she cared above all and was keen to go through the process with me of finding the quality of life that I so desperately needed. I am thankful to share my story and hopefully bring awareness to a women’s heart health specialized facility that is so desperately needed for women to have their heart health concerns heard, where they aren’t made to feel like it’s all in their heads, where they are clear and definite plans for their care, and where they are being treated in an environment void of egos.”