“They took care of my mom and of me”

Thanks in no small part to Dora Calvori, Shona Wilson and Karen Ford, one mother and daughter received the reassuring care and services they needed to live with dementia and, eventually, to say good bye. The daughter’s letter of appreciation reads …

“My Mother passed away on Sept 7th 2014 at age 98.

She passed away at home from dementia. Dementia that began 8 years ago and progressed slowly over time. For the last 6 years she required ongoing care.

I am writing this letter to express my appreciation of the ongoing support that she and I received from Vancouver Coastal Health – Pacific Spirit

Dora Cavalier was my Mom’s most recent Case Manager.  Over the past 2+ years she directed me to resources in the community.  We talked over the phone and during home visits. We frequently talked about end of life care at home – a major concern of mine. I wanted my Mom to stay at home, die at home and to be comfortable at all times. I did not want the police or 911 responders.  I did not want her to be sent to the coroner.

With each visit, Dora assured me everything would be OK and that my Mom’s death would be considered an expected death.

It was not easy for Dora to reassure me!

When my Mom began to observably fail, I called Dora.

She initiated a referred to the Ministry of Health Palliative Care Nursing Programme.  Karen (RN) came and called Mom’s family physician, She communicated with my Mom’s caregivers and with me – with sensitivity.  Shona (RN) came the following day and her care of my Mom was exemplary.

I was finally reassured and was able to just be with my mom.

If we as a community are going to encourage seniors to remain in their home, the importance of case managers and palliative care nurses is fundamental.  They took care of my Mom and of me. You need to take care that these services are maintained.

With appreciation …”