Celebrating our physicians’ years of service
Every year we recognize members of our medical team marking service milestones with VCH. This year, I am proud to say that almost 200 Vancouver Acute physicians are celebrating their years of dedicated service. Together, they represent thousands of years of contribution, and the meaningful difference they make can be measured by every interaction — no matter how brief — with patients, Residents and colleagues.
Please join me in congratulating this year’s long service celebrants and our 2015 Physician Academic Award winners. Their dedication and commitment to excellence enriches our organization, our team and, most importantly, benefits our patients.
Dr. Dean Chittock
Senior Medical Director, Vancouver Acute Services
45 years of service

Celebrating 45 years (l to r): Drs. Sheldon Howard, Virenda Seth and Stanley Hashimoto with Dr. Marshall Dahl.
40 years of service

Celebrating 40 years (l to r): Drs. Philip Zack, Alan Maberly, Mark Schonfeld, Victoria Bernstein, Andris Blokmanis and Robert Meek with Dr. Marshall Dahl .
Victoria Bernstein | Andris Blokmanis |
Philip Clement | Alan Maberley |
Robert Meek | Anthony Robinson |
Mark Schonfeld | Philip Zack |
35 years of service

Celebrating 35 years (front row l to r): Drs. Ronald Slemko, Mary Weckworth, Reinhold Bernat, James Wright and John Mail; (back row l to r): Drs. Mats Tholin and Gergory Tobert with Dr. Marshall Dahl.
Reinhold Bernat | Joanne Blaxland |
Walter Mail | David Owen |
Timothy Rowe | Harold Schubert |
Robert Scott | David Segal |
Ronald Slemko | Mats Tholin |
Gregory Tobert | James Wright |
30 years of service

Celebrating 30 years (l to r): Drs. Albert Mollica,William Ross, Martin Braverman and William Mackie with Dr. Marshall Dahl.
Jeffrey Bell | Martin Braverman |
John Dolman | Arthur Edamura |
Robert Hewko | Williard Johnston |
Ross Kennedy | John Mackie |
Albert Mollica | Peter O’Brien |
Thomas Randall | Jeremy Road |
Adele Sadovnick |
25 years of service

Celebrating 25 years (l to r); Drs. Peter Dolman, Nicholas Carr and Jay Slater with Dr. Marshall Dahl.
Henry Broekhuyse | Nicholas Carr |
Michael Dobrogowski | Peter Dolman |
Sylvia Ducceschi | John English |
Karen Goddard | David Harrison |
Kendall Ho | Douglas Kibblewhite |
Brian Kunimoto | Pui-Kee Lee |
Janette Lindley | Margaret McGregor |
Debra Millar | Lancelot Patrick |
Jay Slater | Heather Sutherland |
Sydney Thomson | Hugh Tildesley |
Joseph Tsui | Nancy Van Laeken |
Simon Warner | Pamela Williams |
Peter Wong | Lewei Zhang |
20 years of service

Celebrating 20 years (l to r): Drs. Daniel Ezekiel, Hamed Umedaly, Eric Yoshida, Edwin Tam and Valerie Gruson with Dr. Marshall Dahl.
Albert Jeffrey Coil | Rose Coschizza |
Margaret Cottle | James Dunne |
Daniel Ezekiel | Valerie Gruson |
Cynthia Henderson | Andrew Ignaszewski |
Arvind Kang | Joseph Lam |
Marna Nelson | Jacqueline Purcell |
Mark Reichman | Dale Steele |
Edwin Tam | Thomas Thomson |
Cynthia Toze | Hamed Umedaly |
Emilie Yeung | Eric Yoshida |
Kay Young | David Zloty |
15 years of service

Celebrating 15 years (front l to r): Drs. Charles Dong, Jaap Hamburger, Helene Bruyere, Mira Keyes and Michael Copland; (back l to r): Drs. Sheldon Nathanson, Scott Tyldesley with Dr. Marshall Dahl.
Bali Athwal | Calvin Au |
Michelle Belanger | Paul Beveridge |
Jan Jaap Bijlsma | Kenneth Blocka |
Helene Bruyere | Silvia Chang |
Anson Cheung | Michael Copland |
Charles Dong | Nelson Greidanus |
Carolyn Hall | Jaap Hamburger |
Monika Hudoba | Manouchehr Javidan |
Marek Karolak | Mira Keyes |
Nasreen Khalil | David Koo |
Diane Lacaille | Calvin Lee |
Jordan Leith | Alexander Levin |
Shao-Hua Lu | Peter MacDonald |
Andrew MacNeily | Haseena Majeed |
William McMaster | Sheldon Nathanson |
Trevor Newton | Michael Nimmo |
John Ogrodniczuk | Rainer Persaud |
Michael Poulin | Sheila Pride |
James Roberts | Heather Robertson |
Conrad Rusnak | Peter Tsang |
Scott Tyldesley | John Watterson |
Rhonda Willms | Angela Wong |
Patrick Yu | Karen Zahn |
Youwen Zhou |
10 years of service
Eriko Aota | Oliver Applegarth |
Jamil Bashir | Cameron Bowman |
David Collins | Richard Cook |
Mala Dave | David Evans |
Markus Haapasalo | Alison Harris |
Andrew Howard | Sayrin Lalji |
Cindy-Ann Lucky | Anthony McCullagh |
Adam Meneghetti | Christina Poon |
Margaret Pugh | Krishnan Ramanathan |
Debbie Rosenbaum | Sheila Shoja |
Alan So | Neil Wells |
Dajiang Zhang | Leslie Zypchen |
5 years of service
Eugene Agranovich | Juan Avina-Zubieta |
Niloofer Baria | Alan Beaumont |
Kathryn Bell | Matthew Bennett |
Anibal Bohorquez | Andrea Brovender |
Kyle Burns | Robert Comey |
Silke Cresswell | Sharmistha Das |
Ronald Diamond | Erin Fukushima |
Janice Garret | Valerie Geddes |
Bruce Gibson | Harpreet Gill |
Ginjeet (Gina) Gill | Tanya Gillan |
Thomas Green | Jan Hajek |
Maria Hubinette | Shahin Jamal |
Arif Janjua | Jyothi Jayaraman |
Sunil Kalia | Mohamed Khan |
Raheem Kherani | Timothy Kostamo |
Anna Lehman | Joy Liao |
Sylvia Makaroff | Roy Matthews |
Andrew McFadden | Kirk Murphy |
Mojgan Namazi | Aman Nijjar |
Ross O’Neil | Hugue Ouellette |
Mark Pattison | Callum Reid |
Judith Rodrigo | Nicholas Rose |
Olivia Sampson | Ana-Luiza Sayao |
Scott Schumacher | Christian Schutz |
Jesse Sidhu | Aleksandra Stefanovic |
Timothy Keen Takaro | Penny Tam |
Diane Villanyi | Chandana Weerasinghe |
Michael Yamanaka |
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