Baking goods for brain wellness
Staff and physicians working at the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health (CBH) at UBC Hospital (UBCH) weren’t about to let World Parkinson’s Day on April 11 pass by without raising awareness — and funds — for people struck by the degenerative disorder. The centre’s lobby became a hive of activity with a bake sale, music and movement demonstration, as well as an exercise demo.
“This was the third annual bake sale and the first year we’ve showcased the other activities,” says neurologist Dr. Silke Cresswell of our VCH Movement Disorders Clinic and the Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre. “These additional events were inspired by the connections we’re now learning about between brain wellness and mind care and exercise. Our clinic is hoping to expand its role with additional health and wellness programs.”
- Information presented to increase awareness of living with Parkinson’s Disease.
- Some of the items on offer during the third annual bake sale.
Elaine Book, social worker, organized the event along with a great team that included Dr. Cresswell, music educator Cynthia Friesen, physiotherapist Michelle McCarthy, and administrative secretary (and certified fitness instructor) Janita Gosal, with additional assistance from Agnes Kwok and Emma Kiss. The fundraiser attracted enthusiastic participants from our outpatient clinic, the Parkinson Society British Columbia and other local support groups, as well as passersby.
“The funds raised will go to people with Parkinson’s disease who are identified by our clinic staff as needing some support,” says Elaine. “We’re calling it our ‘random acts of kindness fund’.”