People First award recipients were in attendance at the Strategic Implementation Forum on October 1, 2012.
The People First recognition program launched in 2010 to recognize and honour VCH employees who excel in supporting the people we serve. We’ve had the pleasure of recognizing staff and physicians for their hard work, heard about patients who wrote to us to say thanks to individuals and teams, and even learned about relationships between VCH teams and other organizations. There are lessons in each of the nominations that are important to share – and we want to know about even more of them.
Other People First stories in this edition:
- Coastal’s People First winners shine
- Going the extra mile: from international repatriation to arranging weddings
- Vancouver’s People First award recipients wow us!
Below is a list of the latest recipients of the Reople First awards, which were present at the Strategic Implementation Forum on October 1st. To view the photos and read more, visit the People First page on VCH Connect, or this slide show in PDF.
Alison Koci
Recreation Therapist, Trout Lake Tertiary Rehabilitation Unit
For: Dedication to improving the physical and functional health of clients
Mark Delivuk
Director, Coastal Financial Planning & Business Support
For: Invaluable support and commitment to patient-care decisions and quality health care delivery
Richmond Mental Health & Addictions
Lisa Ramage, Christine Deziel, Claude Stang, Kerry Baisley, Liz Cochlan, Dr. M. Kwok, Dr. Agnes To
For: International repatriation of a mentally ill man from South America back to Canada, after many years
Angie Martinez
Site Operations Leader, Brock Fahrni Residence and Honoria, Conway Assisted Living, Providence Health Care
For: Excellence in person-centered care, collaborative and team-building leadership, and promotion of PHC values
Dr. Cass Smith
Medical Coordinator, Pender Community Health Clinic
For: Detecting and reporting an EMR problem that caused lab results to be incorrectly reported
Theresa Volk and the PARIS MHA Coastal and Regional MHA MRR Implementation and Sustainment Teams
Roy Ang, Umut Certel, Monika Dhaliwal, Elana Dublanko, Jeb Dykema, Leisa Erhardt, Steve Feviele, Patti Gilbertson, Priscilla Ha, Ian Kopp, Monica Lee, Cosmin Lungu, Eshrat Mehta, Cam McDougall, Lisa McKay, Derrick Miller, Richmond Munro, Erika Norman, Jared Penner, Stephanie Sin, Sara Taherzadeh, Moez Vallani, Maria Wong
PARIS Sustainment Team: Betty DaSilva, Carole Downes, Jayne Kor, Cathy Maitland, David McGeein, Jamie Simpson
For: Exceptional teamwork, resource stewardship and tireless dedication to make information technology work for clinicians
Joanne Rankin
Outpatient Nutrition Counselling Clinic, VGH
For: Bringing forward the idea of providing nutrition counseling closer to home for mental health clients in the community
Dr. Martina Scholtens
Physician, Bridge Clinic, Raven Song Community Health Centre
For: Creating a website for care providers who work with local refugees
Cynthia Clark
Regional Practice Initiatives Lead, VCH Professional Practice
For: Collaborative leadership that has transformed our capacity to reduce unwarranted practice variation
Richmond ICU Team
ICU Team, Marion Wardley, Phillip Tse, Dr. Justin Wong
For: Support for ICU patient to be present at his daughter’s wedding
Do you know someone at VCH who has http://rxreviewz.com/category/pharmacy-reviews/ gone above and beyond to serve the needs of our patients, clients, residents or even their colleagues? Then we want to know who they are and acknowledge their commitment to being a leader who puts “People First”. Contact us.