Sizzling staff BBQ kicked off fundraiser

Mike Nader, Andrew Campbell (runner and Richmond Hospital patient), and Dermot Kelly were all smiles at the barbeque.
Hospital leadership team members put on chefs’ hats and aprons to serve up sizzling hot dogs to staff members at the Scotiabank Run Kick-Off and Staff Appreciation BBQ, organized by Richmond Hospital Foundation.
VCH-Richmond staff members took a well-deserved break in the sun and enjoyed hot dogs, popcorn, fruit, chips, and mini cupcakes on the grassy field behind the Cancer Care Clinic.
Staff also had a chance to see up-close the newly minted Team Spirit Trophy, a new award for units who sign up to fundraise through the Scotiabank Run.
Special thanks go to Mike Nader and Sodexo for sponsoring the delicious barbeque lunch!
Watch future issues of this newsletter for an update on the Run.