Help us talk about S-E-X, baby

It’s time to get fresh!

After more than a decade of service, Condomania, VCH’s well respected youth-driven sexual health and wellness program for teens, is looking to change its name.

While cool in the 1990s, the name Condomania has outlived its cache and no longer hints at the varied range of sexual health info and teen issues covered by the program’s peer educators in classroom workshops.

We’re now on the hunt for a new moniker that will take the program from the 1990s to the present, and better position it for what it does so well – connect with youth, ages 12 to 18, to provide opportunities for to explore attitudes, values, and behaviours that support sexual health and well-being for a lifelong impact.

Yup, it’s serious stuff. But our new name doesn’t have to be.

How can you help?

We’re hoping to enlist the creative minds of our VCH family — and any respective contacts that you may be willing to consult – to come up with a creative and context-appropriate name that is youth friendly.

We’re looking for fresh. We’re looking for catchy. We’re looking for clever.

And we want it all wrapped up in a moniker that’s easy to remember.

Word play and puns welcome.

Our new name is out there…somewhere 

Every submission will be adjudicated on its own merits by an esteemed panel VCH name-pickers. Our winning submission will receive a $25 Starbucks gift card and 15 minutes of fame in an upcoming edition of VCH News. How can you resist?

Submit your best suggestion (one or many) to Contest deadline is July 28 @ 5 p.m.  The winner will be notified by email in August.

  1. val warner

    I liked the name condomania and no wonder you are stumped. hard to beat!

    July 23, 2014