Recycling questions? Ask Sonja & Helen

Each month, Recycling Renewal Program (RRP) Coordinators, Sonja and Helen, answer your questions on what can and cannot be recycled at Health Authority owned hospital and residential care sites, where the RRP has been implemented.

Recycling in health care is different to recycling at home or in an office. The risk of biomedical contamination limits what we can recycle in our facilities. We want to help ensure you have the information you need to dispose of your waste items correctly.

Missed previous editions? We post the recycling question and answer series with photos and posters on the site here.

Edition #5: Gloves

Q. Where should I dispose of gloves at Lower Mainland hospitals and residential care facilities?

A. Gloves must be disposed of in the garbage.

Q. Why can’t I recycle gloves?

A. Our recycling vendor doesn’t accept these waste glass items for two reasons:

1. Gloves used in health care applications are made of either latex, vinyl, or nitrile. These are not recyclable materials.

2. Gloves are prone to contamination when used in patient care.

Send us questions

Send us your questions! Unsure about what can and can’t be recycled and why? Or do you have an inspiring story about recycling in your unit?

Send an email to We’ll include your question in a future edition of Ask Sonja and Helen, or contact you directly.