Accredited online course for physicians: Transfusion Reactions

Submitted by Shelley Feenstra, Regional Transfusion Clinician and Dr Kate Chipperfield, Medical Lead, Regional Transfusion Medicine

Blood component therapy is a ubiquitous part of medicine, but it is not without risk.

Acute and Delayed Transfusion reactions are common and can cause significant morbidity or mortality.

Do you know how to recognize and/or medically manage an acute or delayed transfusion reaction?  Are you aware of the principles of “what, when and why” as applied to transfusion reaction reporting?

The BC Transfusion Medicine Advisory Group (TMAG) and the BC Provincial Blood Coordinating Office (PBCO) have developed an on-demand on-line program to review the principles and practice related to transfusion reactions. This accredited course is only available for CME credits until September.

Although initially created for pathologists, this on-line resource is applicable to Physicians, Fellows, or Residents who prescribe blood products or respond to related clinical calls, Clinical Practice Leaders (Educators) who support on-going learning and clinical staff who want to ensure their practice related to recognizing and responding to a transfusion reaction is current!

The learning objectives for this program include:

  • Reviewing types, signs and symptoms of transfusion reactions
  • Applying information in case studies
  • Introducing standardized guidelines for pathologists conclusion for transfusion reaction reports
  • Enhancing knowledge and understanding of transfusion surveillance activities in BC
  • Presenting the new provincial minimum standards of practice for transfusion reactions and supporting process and procedure documents

Follow the links under Ongoing Learning Opportunities on the VCH TMS Website:   http://vhnet/programs_services/transfusion_medicine/page_29666.htm

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