First Nations spiritual ceremonies taking root across acute care

On Monday October 29th 2012 at St Paul’s Hospital, at the request of a family member, two Aboriginal nurses assisted 14 members of an Aboriginal family in prayer and song, at an ailing family member’s beside in ICU. A brushing off Ceremony including gifts of a blanket and sweetgrass to the family members in ICU, was given to the patient by Squamish Elder/ Minister Eugene Harry. A Smudging Ceremony was then performed in St Paul’s Hospitals All Nations Sacred Space. The All Nations Sacred Space is located on the 4th Floor of the Burrard Street building and is equipped with an HVAC to accommodate sacred smoke like smudging and pipe ceremonies. It is accessible to all family staff and community members.

Vancouver Coastal Health and Providence Health Care are working together towards providing culturally competent health care to First Nations and Aboriginal peoples. Together, we are building culturally competent practices by implementing the policies developed by the Aboriginal Health Practice Council; polices such as the Ceremonial use of Tobacco and Smudging Medicines and Access to Traditional Practitioners for First Nations and Aboriginal peoples while they are receiving health care within all VCH/ PHC facilities. Together, along with First Nations and Aboriginal traditional practitioners, we can also help to improve the health experience of First Nations and Aboriginal peoples while they are accessing our services.