Experiences in Quality Improvement with Dr. Doug Cochrane

The UBC Chapter of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement presents Dr. Doug Cochrane, pediatric neurosurgeon and Chair of the British Columbia Patient Safety and Quality Council and the Patient Safety and Quality Officer for British Columbia, at its next UBC IHI event on January 24.

Dr. Cochrane will share some of his experiences in quality improvement and discuss how he has integrated healthcare leadership into his clinical career. He will also lead a case study discussion for all attendees.

Staff, students and all those interested in patient safety and quality improvement in healthcare are welcome!

WhenJanuary 24th 5:30-7:30pm (Dr. Cochrane’s presentation 6-7pm with networking & refreshments before and after)

Where: Paetzold Theater, VGH, 899 W 12th Ave

Cost: $2 at the door

Register at http://ihiubcjan2013.eventbrite.com/

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Open School: UBC Chapter

Email: ihi.ubc@gmail.com
Website: blogs.ubc.ca/ihiopenschool
Facebook: IHI Open School UBC

“courses and community for the next generation of healthcare leaders”