Provincial election 2013: important information for VCH staff

VotingOn Tuesday, May 14 2013 employees have time away from work to vote in the provincial election pursuant to the Elections Act. The following will assist with determining time off requirements, if necessary:

  • Polling hours on Tuesday, May 14 are from 0800 to 2000h.
  • Employees scheduled to work on May 14 and who are eligible to vote are entitled to 4 hours clear from work (during the polling hours of 0800 to 2000h) in order to cast their ballots pursuant to the provincial legislation.
  • Where possible, employees are encouraged to cast their ballots at an Advance Poll, open from 0800 to 2000h on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 8 through 11.
  • Employees are not required to be given 4 hours off of work to vote; rather, you must provide sufficient time away from work in order to make up the block of required time during the period the polls are open.

Example: An employee whose normal shift is 0900 to 1700h could start at 1200h, thereby having 4 hours clear from 0800 to 1200h; or the employee could be given time off at the end of the day and end work at 1600h in order to have 4 hours clear from work between 1600 and 2000h.

  • An employee who requires time off to vote does not get to choose the best time to leave work; rather they are to take the time off as scheduled by the Manager if necessary.
  • Managers may poll their staff to determine how many staff require time off, smooth vacancies (when time off is permitted at the manager’s discretion) and thereby determine backfill requirements so that staff have the required time off for voting and baseline staffing is met.
  • It is the responsibility of staff to inform their supervisors/managers as soon as possible if they require time off from their work schedules to vote. Without advance notice, it can be challenging to meet our operational requirements, avoid short-notice requests, and observe our obligation to allow time away from work to vote.
  • Time off from work in order to meet the minimum requirements as per this memo is paid time (PNW).

Please contact your manager or Human Resources Advisor if you have any questions or go on-line at Elections BC.