Yoga flashmob: come take part in a VCH first

On Thursday, June 27, the Vancouver Art Gallery will be the scene of something VCH has never done before.

On the bustling West-Georgia side of the scenic gallery, VCH will be holding a free yoga class (and flashmob), open to everyone and doesn’t require any prior experience or extra equipment (other than your limbs, of course). But on top of a free basic class, all participants will also receive a pair of sunglasses just for showing up as well as a rare demonstration of the Cirque du Soleil-ish acro yoga (see video below), put on by the talented professionals from Acro Yoga Vancouver – who will also be leading the class.

“Not only will this be a first form VCH, but it’s a cool, different thing to do over the lunch hour,” says Tiffany Akins, organizer of the event. “And because it’s a flashmob, I’m excited to see the looks on people’s faces who will be in the area.”

The unique event is kicking off My Health, My Community, a new online health and wellness survey that will give people the chance to help influence their community’s health priorities. This innovative new project was created through a joint partnership between VCH, Fraser Health and the UBC Faculty of Medicine eHealth Strategy Office.

Who: Anyone and everyone

What: A free yoga lesson and opportunity to be involved with a unique event

When: Thursday, June 27 from 12 to 1pm, when the music starts

Where: the West-Georgia side of the Vancouver Art Gallery (if raining, the class will be held in the Robson Square Ice Rink)

VIDEO:  Devon, Slava and Jolene from Acro Yoga Vancouver demonstrate the unique and impressive practice. 1:50:

Acro Yoga Demonstration   YouTube