Refer-A-Friend and get rewarded!

Do you have a friend that is qualified to work in the health care field and would make a great addition to the VCH team? This is your opportunity to take part in this exciting campaign and get rewarded for recruiting qualified friends to Vancouver Coastal Health! If YOU successfully recruit a friend to VCH, upon successful completion of his/her probationary period, you will receive a $50 gift certificate from a selection of retailers such as Best Buy, Chapters, Cactus Club and more choices!

VCH’s Refer-A-Friend Employee Referral program aims to increase our outreach to local and national health care professionals by engaging our current employees to recruit more great people to VCH. All current VCH employees (except Employee Engagement and those in direct line of hiring) are eligible to be part of the Refer-A-Friend campaign. So, what’s the process?  Just follow the two simple steps below to get your reward!

Two Simple Steps:

  1. Take the initiative to approach qualified friends whom you think would be interested in working for VCH. You may wish to share our VCH careers website information with them where the external job postings are posted:
  2. Once you have successfully recruited a new employee to VCH, ask them to fill out the Refer-A-Friend application form (included in their new hire package) within one week of receipt.

Once the employee has successfully completed their probationary period, the gift card is yours – it’s that easy!

Be part of this exciting campaign and help VCH develop the best workforce, one of our true north goals. For more information on the Refer-A-Friend program, please visit us on the VCH Intranet or email