Universal Needle and Syringe Distribution Sign

New harm reduction best practices released

If you’re interested in policies, services and practices that reduce the harms from substance use and sexual activity, then you should know that a team of Canadian researchers, service providers and people with lived experience has developed a new set of Best Practice Recommendations.

These recommendations relate to people who use drugs and are at risk for HIV, HCV and other harms, and the

BC Supports Harm Reduction

BC Supports Harm Reduction

Canadian harm reduction programs that provide service to them.

Each best practice recommendation includes an easy-to-read summary and a synthesis of the scientific literature on each topic.  Topics include safer injection equipment, safer crack cocaine smoking equipment, disposal and handling of used drug equipment, education about safer drug use, and overdose prevention.

Harm reduction practices are effective at preventing and reducing physical health risks, such as HIV and overdoses, because they are rooted in scientific evidence and best practice.

Using these new recommendations will improve the quality of harm reduction services in Vancouver Coastal Health. VCH currently distributes sterile needles and condoms and other supplies for safer injection, safer substance smoking and safer sex. Our harm reduction services provide education about overdose prevention, addictions services, health services and safe needle disposal. These interventions are important for reducing the risk of HIV, hepatitis C, respiratory infections and other serious illnesses. Our work helps keep people healthy and saves lives!

The French version of the document can be found at: http://www.catie.ca/fr/programmation/meilleures-pratiques-reduction-mefaits