Don’t take a chance with this deadly infection

The VCH Travel Clinic’s Take A Shot campaign is urging parents and young people not to take a chance on meningitis and encouraging youth aged 12 to 24 to be vaccinated. The Menactra vaccine protects against four strains of meningococcal meningitis – a form of meningitis caused by a specific bacterium. It can be deadly if not treated right away, or cause seizures, hearing loss or brain damage.

Who is most susceptible?

Kids of any age can get meningitis, but because it can be easily spread among people living in close quarters, teens, college students and boarding-school students are at higher risk for infection.

Where can you get the vaccine?

Vancouver Coastal Health’s Travel Clinic is offering the vaccine which protects against the four strains for $80, rather than the regular price of $130, for the month of October, while supplies last. Call the Travel Clinic today at 604-736-9244 to make an appointment. Help us spread awareness about this infection and vaccine – let your clients who are between 12 and 24, or your clients who have kids this age, about the vaccine and sale.

Vaccine types

In B.C., children already receive the Men-C meningococcal vaccine as part of their regular shots at ages 2 months, 12 months and between 10 and 12 years of age. This vaccine protects against infection from one of the strains, type C, one of the most common types. The vaccine on sale at the Travel Clinic protects against four strains – A, C, Y and W-135.

Find out more information about meningitis.