Don’t miss Pain BC’s Inter-disciplinary Evidence-based Pain Education Conference

Have you registered yet for Pain BC’s Annual Interdisciplinary Pain Conference this November 2nd in Burnaby, BC?

Presenters will share best practice approaches, emerging research, and interactive discussion on how participants may apply the learning in the context of their practice.  Please click for more information and to register for the conference. 

many-names-for-painThese sessions are ideally suited to nurses, occupational therapists, RMTs, physiotherapists, counsellors, physicians, and other frontline practitioners who wish to acquire the latest knowledge and tools to most effectively understand and manage their patients’ pain. This conference recognizes that nothing affects patients’ well being more than pain; whether living with a chronic condition (like arthritis, heart disease, or cancer), suffering with an illness like fibromyalgia or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, or recovering from injury or surgery, persistent pain is the common element with the single greatest impact on quality of life.

Blogger, photographer, and person living with chronic pain, Mona Lucas, shares insightful perspective on the “lies her pain has told her”. Click here to read her blog post.