How to look like VCH

If you work with partner organizations, create materials for your patients and clients, order printing or place advertisements, you should know how to look like VCH.

An increasing number of people at VCH are involved in the creation of videos, web sites, printed materials, social media accounts and the list goes on. Part of the challenge with all this activity is making sure these communication tools are always recognizable as VCH products.  We do that through visual identity standards that support our brand.

Why does everything need to look like VCH?

You might be asking yourself why you would want your program or initiative to look like the rest of VCH when your goal (or part of it) may be to stand out in the crowd. The answer is there is power in a strong and consistent brand. Everyone at VCH works hard to give us a positive image and reputation. When clients or visitors have a good experience with us, they form a positive opinion about VCH. We call this our “brand”.

Instead of programs visually competing against each other, a consistent brand will help our patients, clients and residents understand the depth of VCH’s programs and services, extending the credibility and trust we’ve earned across the region by providing the best care.

The VCH brand

To make it easy for people to recognize us and make that link with the positive reputation we’ve worked hard to build, we need to always do two important things:

  1. Make sure VCH is clearly identified in whatever we’re working on, and;
  2. Apply the Brand Standards so that the VCH logo, fonts and colours are reproduced accurately and consistently.

The brand in action

Here are a few, current examples of sites using the VCH brand effectively:

  • the Regional Mental Health & Addiction program site
  • the Richmond Lions Manor Bridgeport site
  • the OASIS site
  • the VCH Careers site

Help and resources

The Brand Standards are to help you and any internal or external services you may be working with, to reproduce the VCH logo and colours accurately.  Our standards for using the VCH name, logo, fonts and colours—along with supporting resources like downloadable files— are available on the website.

Members of the Communications & Public Affairs team are all familiar with the brand site and the standards and can answer questions. It’s a good idea to get in touch with Communications before starting a project to find out how the VCH brand standards may apply.