Who’s been caught in the act?

Just because we’ve wrapped up the Clean Shots campaign doesn’t mean we’re finished celebrating the great  hand hygiene work happening across VCH.

The fight against germs continues with Caught Clean Handed that recognizes cowboys and gals across VCH blazing the hand hygiene trail. They wrangle germs with soap, sanitizer and a 30 second song.

Suspects this month

You could be next…

Need to brush up on your skills? Visit the Hand Hygiene Tools and Resources page to learn the four moments of Hand Hygiene and the proper way to wash your hands with soap and sanitizer.

Contact Sheila Browning to see how you can get Caught Clean Handed: sheila.browning.vch.ca

See who’s been caught in the act

Hand hygiene auditors will recognize staff across VCH on large posters appearing on units, in stories here in VCH news and on a computer screen near you.