Please use the Absence Call Line: it’s in your best interest!

Did you know that using the Absence Call Line (1-866-924-4297) is a benefit for you and your team?

Help us help you

Using the Absence Call Line (1-866-924-4297) ensures that:
• Your health-related absences are paid correctly;
• You can access appropriate employer-paid health services;
• Your one call notifies your Manager/unit, Staffing, Timekeeping (as applicable) and WorkAbility of your absence details all at the same time. This saves you and your team extra phone calls and helps ensure shift coverage.

Quick tips

• When you are not feeling well, the last thing you may feel like doing is finding the Absence Call Line number. If you haven’t already, program the Absence Call Line number in your phone: 604-639-4297 / 1-866-924-4297.
• Remember to call the Absence Call Line when you are absent from work for any health-related absence (planned/unplanned) or for reasons such as Special Leave/Compassionate Leave.
• A health-related absence includes illness, injury/accident and pre-planned medical absences (such as surgery)
• For pre-planned absences (e.g. surgery, medical appointment, and Special Leave) – please obtain approval from your Manager/Delegate as per your unit specific protocols in addition to calling the Absence Call Line (1-3 days before your surgery/planned absence).

Soon, Managers will also start receiving monthly absence call reports to help support staff in using the Absence Call Line.

Please review the communication you will receive with your July 25th pay stubs for more information on the Absence Call Line process.

Every call counts

We need your help to ensure all health-related absences are reported through the Absence Call Line. VCH’s goal is to reach 100 % usage. Currently, 70% of health-related absences are reported through the Absence Call Line.

Thank you for using the Absence Call Line to report all health-related absences. If you have any questions about the Absence Call Line, please email

Please remember to use the Absence Call Line to report all health-related absences.