What’s your stress index?

Some stress is good – it motivates us to solve problems and helps us to stay focused and alert to achieve our goals. However, for most of us it is not the “good stress” that is wreaking havoc in our lives, it is the “bad stress.” But, has it become so much a part of our lives that we are no longer aware of the early warning signs of stress; the bad habits it’s fueling and the emotional chaos it is creating?

Do you know your early warning signs of stress? Not sure? Take the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Stress Index to know your current stress level increase your self-awareness so you can take action.

Ready to take action?

Join us for any or all of the Taking Care of Me sessions to help reduce stress and the stressors in your life.

Taking Care of Me is a series of free workshops conveniently scheduled so employees can attend on their own time and developed around the most important areas of our lives: Health & Wellness, Career, Relationships and Family. These are hands-on interactive sessions that are based on current knowledge, provided by topic experts, and designed for maximum impact for busy lives.

Download and share the attached poster that outlines all of the upcoming Fall 2014 Taking Care of Me employee workshops and bookmark the webpage for detailed information and updates.