Feeling down over spring?

Feeling down over spring?

To acknowledge Mental Health Week from May 4th to 10th, and the prevalence of people living with mental health concerns and illness, we are re-sharing the “Spring Effect” article written by Dr. Stacy Sprague, a registered psychologist and Executive Director of the Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP), as a reminder that not everyone feels better in the spring.

“It’s not uncommon that as the long dark west coast winter draws to a close and the days get brighter and longer many people look forward to that feeling of relief and renewal. They’re basically looking forward to improved mood and energy. If that sense of renewal doesn’t happen, those people may continue to feel very blue or down, and we call this the ‘Spring Effect.’”*

What are the signs and symptoms?

“Some of the symptoms might include: A general low mood and feeling of disappointment; sleeping too much or not enough; loss of energy or appetite; problems with concentration or memory; feelings of hopelessness.”

Is Spring Effect a type of depression?

“It can be. If symptoms are severe or last more than a few weeks it could be a sign of clinical depression.” *

Is there help available?

“Yes. Talk to your doctor or other health professional or contact EFAP, which provides free confidential help for VCH employees and their immediate family members. You can access the program by calling 604-872-4929 or toll-free 1-800-505-4929.”

Self-screening checklist:

□ Low mood
□ Low energy
□ Poor sleep
□ Poor appetite
□ Reduced memory
□ Reduced concentration
□ Feelings of hopelessness
□ Thoughts about harming yourself

If you checked four or more of these boxes, you should talk to your doctor or contact EFAP.

*Only a registered health care provider (i.e. physician, psychiatrist psychologist) can diagnose a medical condition such as depression. Always consult your doctor on any health issues.

  1. Anonymous

    Hi I am happy to see this brought to people’s attention. In the past I have very often been depressed in the spring especially April and perople have not understood it. According to a psyc. nurse I once knew the highest number of psychiatric hospital admissions and suicides occur in the spring. My cousin committed suicide in April at the age of 24.

    May 7, 2015