Remember when computers were black and green?

4 reasons why CST’s Cerner software upgrade is actually interesting

The CST project is upgrading the version of Cerner software that will be used for our new, shared clinical information system. You might think this is pretty boring news and we wouldn’t blame you. But the outcomes of this upgrade actually have some exciting benefits for you – and the way you do your job in future.

We’ve compiled a list of four benefits that we think are worth getting excited about.

1. More features = a more useful system

“Wouldn’t it be great if our system could… [insert great idea here]?” is a commonly heard phrase around the CST office.

The CST design teams are skilled in identifying ways the new clinical information system can work for their areas. Some of these recommendations are achievable, and some aren’t. The upgrade gives us the opportunity to implement more of these recommendations than we could before – which means you’re getting the best system possible for your area.

2. It’s better looking = safer and easier

Remember when computers were just black and green text on a screen? There’s a lot to be said for better looking software.

The upgraded software will look cleaner and more consistent than earlier versions of Cerner, with more visible alerts and statuses. This makes it easier to use and increases safety for our patients.

3. Connection to the Ministry of Health = more complete information

Do you have a public health number? If so, your name is in the Ministry of Health’s secure Enterprise Master Patient Index, along with useful demographic information.

The new Cerner upgrade will allow our system to connect with the index and access this important information. This will make patient registration easier, reduce duplicate patient records, and give you access to a more complete patient record.

4. Improved system performance = more time for patients

We all know how annoying it is when your computer crashes. Add a busy workload to the mix and you have the perfect recipe for frustration.

Upgraded Cerner software means that we will be using the best version of the system available to us. It will be fast, high quality and stable, which means you can stop worrying about technology and focus on your patients.

The CST Cerner software upgrade is taking place now, before we resume design work with a new vendor partner. For technical questions, contact Andy Yngreso, Senior Project Manager, Clinical Solution Delivery, IMITS,

Background information

• CST is a joint initiative of VCH, PHSA and PHC, and one of the largest and most complex health-care projects in Canada. It spans across several areas of the continuum of care, including: acute care inpatient and outpatient units and ambulatory care. As well as creating consistent, leading practices and a shared clinical information system, CST will deliver HIMSS Level 5 functionality.

• Clinical design teams made up of hundreds of highly-skilled, multi-disciplinary professionals from across VCH, PHSA and PHC started work on April 7, 2014. These teams are tasked with designing our future workflows, based on leading practices. In doing so, they are defining the requirements for our new clinical information system.

• The CST project will result in increased safety, effectiveness and efficiency of how we provide care on a broad scale. See a full list of our benefits.

For more information, please contact Donna Stanton, CST Executive Director/Transformation Lead, at