VCH staff help nab suspects in theft case

Recently, with the help of VCH staff, the Lower Mainland Integrated Protection Service (IPS) and Paladin Security worked together for the successful apprehension and arrest of a suspect believed to be involved in several criminal acts of theft and break and entries that had been occurring at a number of healthcare facilities across the Lower Mainland.

During a joint investigation, IPS and Paladin had identified that a small sophisticated group of criminals had been opportunistically targeting open and publicly accessible areas, in most cases after-hours, where hospital keys, Photo I.D badges, hospital issued clothing, and portable valuables (i.e. phones, laptops, cash) were targeted.  This group of criminals would actively alter their appearances in order to blend into the healthcare environment, going so far as to don hospital attire and stolen photo I.D in order to evade suspicion from staff and security. These criminals would attend multiple facilities at various times and days so as not to establish any identifiable pattern of activity.

VCH staff played an integral role in the prevention of this criminal activity. On more than one occasion, staff was able to recognize the primary suspect as behaving in a suspicious manner in or near their working areas. While site security and law enforcement were notified, the suspect was able to elude contact. It is believed that further criminal activity was prevented.

IPS liaised with local law enforcement agencies and external security providers who shared a common interest throughout the Lower Mainland and affected regions.  Through this collaboration we were able to identify the primary suspect and his associates, provide IPS security Alerts and communicate valuable mitigation strategies that all staff may use to secure and protect their respective work environments. IPS & Paladin Security deployed additional security resources to heighten security presence and patrols.

On June 2nd, 2015 this group was identified and approached by site security and local law enforcement was able to apprehend and arrest the primary suspect. IPS has connected with all involved police agencies so they may pursue their respective ongoing investigations with the arresting jurisdiction.

IPS would like to recognize and express our appreciation to staff and our internal and external stakeholders involved in supporting this investigation through to a successful outcome.

Suspicious activity?

If you see any suspicious activities or individuals, please contact your site’s security using the facility’s urgent security contact number.

  1. Tommy Liu

    Do you recover any stolen items? we HEU Richmond local office been tacgeted, lost laptop computer.
    Tommt Liu
    Chair of HEU Richmond Local

    June 11, 2015