The best of the best

Last Thursday evening, two VCH nurses were recognized for their demonstrated excellence in the profession as well as their dedication, commitment and professionalism over the years.

Patricia Mary Agon, a public health nurse in Richmond, was recognized for the work she has done in bringing health promotion and child wellness information to the Chinese and English community as well as her post-partum parent infant drop-in groups for new Chinese immigrants. Rosemary Hill, an enterostomal therapist from the North Shore, was recognized for her work and initiatives with complex wound care and ostomy patients – she extends this expertise and education to rural areas including Bella Bella and Bella Coola.

Patricia Mary Agon

Patricia with Minister Lake.

Patricia with Minister Lake.

“It feels great,” says Patricia. “I’m feeling very honoured and very privileged because here are a lot of other nurses doing the same job I do and doing it well and they’re not recognized. I have a strong passion for this job, but this award motivates me even more to do it.”

She says she feels lucky to be a nurse

“I love helping people and I really enjoy it,” says Patricia, who has been a nurse for 36 years. “It’s just a trait I have, I guess, and you need to in this profession. I enjoy helping.  I enjoy teaching and advocating. I feel proud to be a nurse.”

Rosemary Hill

“It feels excellent,” says Rosemary who has been a nurse for 30 years and an enterostomal therapist for 10. “It was a great honour and a privilege to be recognized among such fine recipients.”

“I love it,” she tells me. “I wake up in the morning and I look forward to going to work because every day is a different day…there are different challenges. And I really like the team of people I work with here at Lions Gate Hospital – the nurses the surgeons, the rehab department. I feel blessed to work with such a stellar team of people.”

ARNBC Awards

Rosemary with Minister Lake.

Rosemary with Minister Lake.

This is the first year that ARNBC has hosted B.C.’s nursing recognition awards, which have been presented to deserving nurses by the Registered Nurses Association of BC/College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia for the past 30 years. Recipients are nominated and adjudicated by their peers and receive their awards at a gala ceremony held in downtown Vancouver. This year’s gala included a number of dignitaries, award recipients and nurse leaders, and was emceed by Lynn Stevenson, Associate Deputy Minister of Health.

“This year’s nursing awards highlight the dedication, commitment and professionalism of over a dozen nurses, who represent the excellent care provided to patients throughout B.C. every day,” said Health Minister Terry Lake.

“Nurses are an essential part of primary care in British Columbia and a partner in the changes we are making to improve our province’s health care system,” he added. “Just as nurses do every day, we know that we need to focus on actions to improve the overall health of the population by putting the patient at the centre of health care delivery.”

More information

For more information, check out the press release here.

  1. Lori Baker

    CONGRATULATIONS to both…well deserved and an honour to work with Rosemary!

    November 26, 2015
    • Maureen Lister

      So very pleased that Pat has been recognized for her exceptional work with babies and families. It has been a pleasure to work with her over the years.

      November 27, 2015