Engaging patients and families in their safety and care

The regional Quality and Patient Safety and Professional Practice teams are pleased to introduce a new Patient Safety brochure that all staff may use to further engage patients and families around their safety and care. Your Safety While in Hospital, originally developed by Langara nursing students, is meant to engage patients by providing them with tips on how to reduce adverse events while in hospital.

Please share the brochure and have conversations with patients and families about how they can be involved in their own care to improve safety and clinical outcomes. The brochure is available on print services at a cost of $0.33 per copy (black and white).

Get the brochure

About the process

The brochure was created by doing an extensive review, consultation and feedback process through the regional programs, CoC quality councils, regional content experts, physicians, plain language and CEAN (Community Engagement Advisory Network) members.

What’s next

Our Quality and Patient Safety Directors will meet with professional practice leaders and CoC – unit educators to determine the best way to get this information into patient hands either through existing admission processes or static brochure display boards on your unit.