Happy National Nursing Week!

A message from Professional Practice Directors:

National Nursing Week greetings and Happy International Nurses Day to all nurses across VCH. This week we celebrate the important role nurses play in the health and illness journey of people we care for. Across all of our Communities of Care, Coastal, Richmond and Vancouver nurses can be found in almost every care setting. This year’s CNA theme “With you Every Step of the Way” truly resonates with us in Professional Practice as we are keenly aware of the many places all of you are with our patients, clients, residents and families.

From the moment people enter the world until they leave it, they will have encounters with nurses at different points in their lives. These moments range from joyous to devastating and everything in between. With knowledge, skill and compassion all of you make a difference in those moments. We thank and admire you for the care you provide every day, you make an incredible difference. From the point of care to sitting behind a desk we find nurses everywhere  across VCH ­ making a difference Every Step of the Way.

With gratitude,

Barb Bedell, Coastal;

Lorraine Blackburn, Regional;

Jo Clark, Allied;

Cindy Elliott, Richmond;

Sharon Galloway, Elder Care;

and Alison Swalwell Franks, Vancouver

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What makes a nurse?

National Nursing Week 2016

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