The 2015 Carbon Neutral Action Report is in

We are pleased to present Vancouver Coastal Health’s 2015 Carbon Neutral Action Report.

For the sixth consecutive year, Vancouver Coastal Health has achieved carbon neutrality, as part of the provincial public sector commitment to achieve net-zero emissions.

Vancouver Coastal Health: CNAR

Each year VCH submits a Carbon Neutral Action Report (CNAR) to the Climate Action Secretariat of the BC government. This report documents our greenhouse gas emissions and the current and planned actions to further reduce GHG emissions in the future.

VCH is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Many of the energy projects listed in these reports would not have been possible without the coordinated efforts of staff working together, and in collaboration with external stakeholders. Special thanks goes to the Energy Management teams and Facilities Management and Operations teams working in hospitals and health care facilities to make buildings more energy efficient and embed energy management principles further into standard operations. These projects have positive impacts; saving energy, decreasing air pollution, and ultimately adding to the health and wellness of facilities, workplaces and the communities we serve.

2015 highlights from Vancouver Coastal Health

  • VCH’s 2015 Carbon footprint required an offset of 39,484 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). That represents a 21% decrease in VCH’s carbon footprint since 2007
  • Vancouver Coastal Health completed 18 energy savings projects for a total estimated saving of 2.63 GWh of electricity and 19,096 GJ of natural gas a reduction of 992 tCO2e of GHG
  • The VGH Cycling Centre provided access to a state-of-the-art end-of-trip facility, with more than 170 indoor bicycle parking spots, including 12 electric bicycle spots, lockers, showers, towel service, a lounge and a bike repair room for maintenance and tune-ups. In 2015, VGH’s Cycling Centre grew its user base and expanded its services to include more workshops and events
  • 196 VCH staff participated in the 2015 Clean Commuter & Wellness Challenge, a campaign to encourage staff to try an active commute
  • The Green+Leaders (G+L) behaviour change program recruited 19 new volunteers from VCH in 2015, making a total of 69 active staff volunteers from across VCH

More info

Please take a moment to check out the full report and read each health authority’s report online at the GreenCare Community website. We welcome your feedback and your active participation!