Photo credit: Olivia Lee-Chun, student

Digging in deep

VCH Public Health Dietitians Vanessa Lam and Kathy Romses were successful recipients of a VCH Research Institute Research Challenge grant funded by the Robert N. Ho Enhancing Patient Care Fund. With the support of this grant, they initiated a qualitative research project to explore the connection between food, gardening and mental well-being in Vancouver secondary school youth.

In working with school and community partners, Vanessa and Kathy had a sense that food and gardening could impact mental well-being but there was little documentation in the literature locally from the youth perspective.  Photovoice, a method where participants use photography and writing to share their stories, allowed youth to be co-researchers.   The grant also offered a chance to work with Photovoice Artist Christine Germano, who helped facilitate a series of photography and writing sessions with youth.

After consulting with youth and analyzing the interviews and focus group discussions, Vanessa and Kathy identified common themes. The youth shared that cooking and gardening can foster connections within school and also between friends, family and to nature. They recognize how it can help manage their stress and how important these skills are for their lives. Using Photovoice allowed Vanessa and Kathy to gather rich personal stories which could not have been collected otherwise.

Check it out

Vanessa and Kathy invite you to join them at the opening reception of the youth’s photo exhibit Digging in Deep at ArtStarts Mezzanine Gallery on Nov 6th 1-3pm located at 808 Richards Street in Vancouver. The exhibit continues until Feb 26, 2017.