CEAN forum workshop participants, CEAN Fall Forum 2015

Learn how to do Community Engagement

Is your department or team looking for training on how to include public input as part of its quality improvement work?

Do you need ideas and tools to gather patient and family feedback in order to improve services and patient experience?

The VCH Community Engagement department is offers workshops that can help your team to identify needs and opportunities to gather patient and family feedback, and explore simple and realistic methods for including the ‘patient voice’ in your planning and quality improvement work.

At the completion of this workshop your team members will be able to:

•Understand the purpose for community engagement and when it is relevant to our work
•Review the guiding principles of community engagement as a framework to inform and support our practice
•Look at various tools and methods for public participation, considering types of involvement that will meet your team’s needs
•Develop a specific engagement plan for gathering and using input from patients and families

The next workshop will be held on Dec. 1st, 2016 from 8:30am – 12pm. To register go to CCRS and search Community Engagement.

NOTE: Training participants will receive a copy of the “How To” Guide to Community Engagement -Involving the public to improve health outcomes as well as a copy of The Advisory Committee Workbook and other tools.