It’s Fit Test February!

Who needs to be Fit Tested?

Staff who must utilize an N95 or other type of tight-fitting respirator as part of their job must be Fit Tested before there is a requirement to wear one.

Why are N95 respirators required?

N95 respirators protect against airborne infectious agents such as Tuberculosis and SARS.  Surgical masks do not afford protection from these airborne hazards.

How can staff access Fit Testing?

Fit tests can be booked with your local departmental Fit Tester or through CCRS.

Note: If you do not have a local departmental Fit Tester, staff can be registered for training through CCRS.  Any staff member (e.g. clinical and/or clerical) can become a departmental Fit Tester.


Workplace Health will also be holding Fit Test Blitz sessions.  See details below:

Hospital  Location Date Time
UBC MF460B (Bernstein Boardroom) February 14, 2017 12:00-16:00
LGH LGH Atrium – 15th Street Lobby February 20, 2017 9:00-13:30
VGH JP Ground Floor Atrium– Diamond Courtyard February 28, 2017 9:00-13:30

How do I find out the Fit Test status of my department?

Managers can access Fit Test status reports by contacting your OHS Advisor.