Learning Hub launches July 24.

LearningHUB Launches July 24!

We are pleased to announce that VCH is moving to a new online learning and course delivery platform. From July 24, 2017, all Course Catalogue Registration System (CCRS) courses, registration and training history will be accessible through the new LearningHUB platform. The CCRS support team is working closely with PHSA to ensure a smooth transition to the new system and that all courses and completion reports will function as they do in CCRS.

What is LearningHUB?

The LearningHub (LHUB) has been serving PHSA for the last 10 years, and this July it will be launched within VCH, FHA, VIHA, and PHC, to serve as a single Learning Management System (LMS) platform for multiple health authorities. Integrating CCRS into the LearningHub will increase access to learning opportunities for health care staff, and improve training records management. A single shared LMS will facilitate greater collaboration across health organizations, and support the implementation of provincial and inter-agency initiatives such as CST.

LHUB similar to CCRS

Business continuity between CCRS and LHUB has been one of the main considerations during the development of LHUB. Users will therefore find that the two systems are very similar. The look of LHUB – its colours and format – will be somewhat different; however the two systems’ functionality is basically the same. This means that navigating and using the new system will be straightforward for all users.

What’s next?

A VCH awareness campaign will kick-off this week and target two groups: general CCRS users and, more specifically, CCRS course managers.  The main objectives of the campaign are to build familiarity with LHUB, offer links to help, and provide ‘how-to’ resources. The campaign will include user guides specific to course managers, reminders in VCH news, and ads on CCRS to communicate the upcoming changes and ‘freeze period.’

CCRS freeze period

Two days prior to the launch, Saturday July 22 to Sunday July 23, CCRS will undergo a ‘freeze period’ where course completions on CCRS will not be reported. A notice will be launched on CCRS prior to the ‘freeze period.’ Users signing into CCRS after July 24th will be automatically redirected to the new LHUB site.

If you would like more information, please visit learninghubhelp.phsa.ca  or email learnwithus@vch.ca.