CE Leader Belinda Boyd at a Community Engagement curriculum training

Want to work with patient/public advisors?

Are you or your department/team looking for training on how to work with and include patient and public advisors in your quality improvement work?

Are you seeking tools and methods on including patient and public advisors on your planning or project teams?

This VCH Community Engagement workshop will support your goal to work with patient and public advisors.

Workshop date and time

When: Wed. August 2nd from 10am to 11:30am

Where: VCH Learning Hub – The Main Room, Heather Pavillion

How: Register on CCRS – do a search for Community Engagement

Register for the workshop

Workshop content

A growing number of VCH initiatives are engaging with the community by inviting patient and public advisors to their planning tables.  Through this workshop we will help you to identify the benefits and challenges of working with advisors, and explore simple and practical methods for including the ‘patient voice’ in your planning and quality improvement work.

At the completion of this workshop you will be able to:

  • Identify if engaging advisors is the best approach for your project or process
  • Understand the value of advisors as an engagement strategy
  • Determine your readiness to use advisors in your work
  • Learn about various tools and methods to support you in your role to work with patient and public advisors

NOTE: Training participants will receive a copy of the “How to Engage Patient and Public Advisors: A Guide for Staff”   and other tools.