Take Our Kids to Work Day: November 1

Take Our Kids to Work Day is a national program where Grade 9 students may be excused from school to attend work with their parent or legal guardian to see what their parents/legal guardians do, what responsibilities they have, and get a sense of future career options. Set on the first Wednesday of November, this year the day falls on November 1, 2017.

VCH guidelines

While VCH supports participation in this program, we recognize that not all areas of our organization are appropriate for this learning experience.  Participation in this experience is optional.

It is up to individual unit/department managers to decide whether employees and physicians would be allowed to bring their child to work that day. 

The manager has the authority to refuse this permission if he/she feels it is inappropriate, and should ensure that we take steps to protect the privacy of our patients/clients, maintain confidentiality, and keep all involved safe.  Check with your site manager as to whether your area is participating.

For liability reasons, the child must be the child or legal charge of a :

  • VCH employee or an affiliate working at a VCH site or
  • a contractor with VCH privileges or
  • a physician with VCH privileges.

In addition, due to the nature of our work, the experience is observational only.  Parents/legal guardians may not bring a friend’s, relatives’, or neighbour’s child to work.

NEW: VCH gift bags

This year, VCH will be providing gift bags on November 1 for students who participate in the program at VCH. Managers are to inform Employee Relations how many gift bags are required and the number of students participating by submitting the participation form no later than October 23.

Additional forms for completion can be found in the 2017 Take Our Kids to Work Day package.


Please contact Cathy Petry, Business Analyst, at Cathy.Petry@vch.ca.