Tomorrow’s THE day!

December first is the unofficial day you can start listening to Christmas music, start your holiday shopping and baking, and open a day on your advent calendar; officially, and perhaps not as fun, December first is the start of the flu season.

To protect our most vulnerable patients from a potentially fatal flu infection, as of December first, you should have had a flu shot or be wearing a mask while in patient areas, as the Influenza Prevention Policy comes in effect.

Everyone must self-report online

All staff, physicians, residents etc must report their immunization or mask status online.

If you do not self-report online, your manager will be following up with you until you self-report

Self-report & win! 

Everyone who reports online by December 1, whether you choose to vaccinate or mask, will be entered to win a multitude of prizes including a Fitbit Blaze Smart Watch and $20 coffee cards.

More information

You can get a free flu shot at your family doctor’s office, a pharmacy or walk-in clinic listed on ImmunizeBC’s website. Masks are available through your manager.
If you are having issues in reporting your flu immunization please email for assistance. For more information visit the staff flu page on the VCH website.
Patients, clients and members of the public must also have had their flu shot or wear a mask while at any VCH facility effective December 1.