What kind of photos do elves like taking? Elfies! Winners of the Data Management and Reporting contest (left to right): Goli, Sukhpal, Lauren, Ziyi, Dylan.

Deck the halls with boughs of eco-art!

On Tuesday, the snow outside may have been frightful, but it provided a festive backdrop for Data Management and Reporting’s first do-it-yourself, recycled materials holiday decorating contest.

Although Data Management and Reporting decorate their office for the holiday season every year, this year they promoted the use of recycled materials for decorations as a way for staff to connect with their co-workers and be green in their celebrations.

“The work of Decision Support does require a fair amount of problem solving, so this is an opportunity to express their creativity differently,” said Jat Sandhu, Executive Director, Data Analytics and Decision Support.

Team members were encouraged to decorate their office sections or “pods” using recycled items that were around the office. Pods were judged by the creativity, completeness, overall design, and their verbal presentation to the judges.

“At first, no one decorated,” said Pat Chung, Director, Data Management and Reports. “But once one pod started, their competitive spirit took over and everyone began decorating.”


Click on the photos in the gallery below to see the festivities and read the captions in a larger format.

Second place winner

Adrian, Riley, Deepu, and Emilie won second place for their pod decorations. Their theme was “Don’t mess with Jeff.” Jeff is the technical lead for the team. Decorations were added to make the pod more enjoyable and homey for Jeff.

First place winner

Dylan, Goli, Lauren, Sukhpal, and Ziyi won first place for their elaborate, multi-stage decorations. Their theme was “MTV Cribs.”

In conclusion

“The contest is really a festive team building activity that challenges the creativity of staff to recycle paper and other materials,” said Jat.

“Also, it has the added benefit of being an opportunity to clear out the clutter that has accumulated over the past year.”