Media stories for September 7, 2012

MRI wait a “terror” no child should go through, worried mother
Vancouver Metro
An 18-month month wait for a pediatric MRI is too long according to the parents of a nine month old baby boy.  VCH spokesperson Gavin Wilson is quoted.

Prostate cancer patients could benefit from lower-dose strategy
Globe and Mail
Research suggests patients who received continuous treatment through androgen-suppressing drugs, had the same survival rate as those who received intermittent treatment. Dr. Martin Greave, Director of Vancouver Prostate Centre, is quoted.

Life expectancy is up in the Downtown Eastside
The Province (also carried by Global BC, Times Colonist)
VCH Medical health officer Dr. John Carsley said it is rare to see such a shift in a population’s life expectancy, and his colleagues are trying to judge how much of the change can be attributed to gentrification, and how much is due to improved health treatment, nutrition, housing and education in the DTES.

Daycare inspection reports good first step, say advocates
CBC Vancouver
Vancouver Coastal Health is now posting daycare inspection reports online, but those in the industry say the reports are just a small piece of the puzzle. VCH’s Greg Ritchey, regional manager, community care facilities and licensing, is interviewed.

Mobile HIV testing for men who have sex with men
Xtra West
YouthCO and Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) want to increase access to HIV and STI testing through their new mobile sexual health clinic, Know on the Go.