Media stories for November 16, 2012

Potentially 7,000 orphaned patients on Coast
Coast Reporter
The recent departure of two doctors from the Coast has put pressure on an already taxed medical community that is striving to serve a multitude of patients left without family physicians. Drs. Edward Berinstein and Richard Lupton are quoted.

Doctor shortage reaching critical mass
Coast Reporter – Editorial
Finding a family doctor is getting harder and harder. The recent retirement of Dr. John Farrer and Dr. Nick Sparrow leaving his practice in the summer to pursue other avenues in the medical field have left things even more challenging for the Coast’s medical community.

Nurses object to new rules on flu shots
North Shore News
Many health care workers are protesting the policy by refusing to the wear the mandatory stickers on their nametags, stating that they’ve had the shot. Dr. Brian O’Connor, Chief Medical Health Officer for the North Shore, is quoted.

There’s insufficient evidence to force vaccinations or masks
Vancouver Sun – Letter to the Editor
BCNU president Debra McPherson says it’s time for B.C. health employers to withdraw their coercive policy on flu shots for health care workers, in light of scientific reviews questioning the credibility of the very studies they’re using to justify the policy.

There’s insufficient evidence to force vaccinations or masks
Vancouver Sun – Letter to the Editor
To institute such a far-reaching policy requiring health care workers to get flu vaccines (or wear a mask) without even the most basic statistical evidence is ridiculous, says a letter writer.