Honouring an outstanding Environmental Health officer for her efforts

Pool safety in the Sea-to-Sky Corridor was given a big boost recently thanks to a significant amount of work done by Environmental Health Officer Angela Meyer.

Working out of the VCH Whistler office as part of VCH’s Recreational Water Safety Program, Angela has a keen interest in swimming pools and their safe operation and she works hard to ensure the pools she is assigned are well maintained and operated safely.

Her interest led her to get involved in redeveloping the VCH Pool Smart course, completely rewriting and modernizing the course and incorporating numerous techniques to engage learners. Angela was involved in reformatting the student workbook into an excellent learning tool and an ongoing  resource for swimming pool operators as well as redesigning the course presentation materials.

The inaugural offering of Pool Smart, on May 16th, was a great success and swimming pool operator feedback confirmed the positive responses received previously. Feedback from the leadership team, other health authorities and industry has also been extremely positive, prompting VCH Health Protection to offer the redesigned course on a regular basis.

Pool Smart is seen by many as the industry standard for pool operator’s certification and has been put forward to the BC Provincial Recreation Water Committee and the Provincial Regional Directors of Health Protection for recommendation to use as the BC Provincial standard pool course. Angela’s passion for the topic took her above and beyond with her time on this project, resulting in her spending a fair amount of her own time working on it.

As her co-workers, we’re proud of Angela and want to acknowledge her for her outstanding achievement and contribution to VCH’s Recreational Water Safety Program.