Sunshine Coast resident praises St. Mary’s staff for great care received

We all have our jobs, car mechanic, fitness instructor, gardener, writer but on Christmas Eve I needed our health care workers.

In the morning I took an antibiotic called tetracycline. I have had it before during my life with no adverse effects. A while later I started to itch, and I mean itch, in my hair and on my face. Took a couple of Benadryl to stop the itch.

Everything got worse and very fast. My son (Neil) is visually impaired and not able to drive so I started off to the hospital. We reached the light and I tried to speak to Neil and a weird croak came out of my mouth and I started to cough. By the time we reached Emergency Neil was all but dragging me.

The Emergency nurses were right there and the doctor came and gave me a shot of something that made me shake like the dickens, however, I could breath again. In minutes I was on oxygen, had an IV and was hooked up to a heart monitor. Then I heard these wonderful words “You are safe, we can fix this, relax we will take care of you”.

During the next hours, Dr. Forgie and Nurses Linda and Wanda not only saved my life but made me feel safe. Their confidence in their abilities shone through and I am more grateful than I can express.

We hear a lot of talk about how bad things are on the Coast with our doctor shortage, bed shortage and any number of other complaints, however, we should not forget the men and women who strive everyday to keep us alive and well.

Thank you seems so small but it is all I can say.

Victoria L. & Neil M.