MoreOB launches across Coastal next week

The MoreOB team are inviting all staff to join in the conception – aka program launch – of the MoreOB program that will be rolling out across VCH-Coastal beginning next Wednesday (Sept. 9) from 1200 – 1230 hrs and again from 1230 – 1300 hrs in the LGH main lobby.

“We’re excited to have MoreOB here as it’s an exciting opportunity to help increase competencies in dealing with obstetrical emergencies and improve patient safety, outcomes, staff morale and general satisfaction,” says Sherry Moon, Patient Care Coordinator for the LGH Perinatal Program.

The three-year program consists of 15 online chapters per year as well as multidisciplinary activities known as skills drills. The drills are designed to crystallize the online teaching for all delivering physicians, midwives and nurses and improve communication amongst all care providers in this specialized area.

Coastal is the VCH pilot site for the program and an evaluation of the results will be an important part of this quality improvement and patient safety project.