Registered Dietitian Barbara Allan is the keynote speaker for the North Shore Diabetes Education Centre’s 10th Annual Diabetes Forum being held on Oct. 20 at 7 pm. Barbara is one of Canada’s first Certified Diabetes Educators, a designation she earned in 1991. Barbara is a long-time Canadian Diabetes Association volunteer and has been involved in creating nationally-used educational materials as well as co-writing the Diabetes Prevention and Management Cookbook.

North Shore Diabetes Forum on the menu for LGH on October 20th

With one-in-four Canadians (approx. nine million) living with diabetes and prediabetes – and a rapidly growing incidence rate that signals millions more will be affected by the disease within the next 10 years – it’s probably not a surprise that more than 8,000 North Shore residents are estimated to be dealing with the symptoms of the disease.

With such widespread effects, the odds are high that all of us know someone faced with coping with this chronic disease. In fact, many living with diabetes may not even know they have it as they have yet to be tested or diagnosed It’s why it’s time for families and health care professionals across the country to become more familiar with this potentially debilitating condition and begin taking steps to minimize the effects.

That’s why the North Shore Diabetes Education Centre’s 10th Annual Diabetes Forum is so timely, particularly in VCH-Coastal communities where the average age is sliding upwards daily. As a free event for members of the public as well as health care providers across the Lower Mainland, this year’s forum is focusing on the huge importance of proper nutrition and diet and the role it plays in the ongoing health of individuals with diabetes and will take place:

October 20, 2015

7 pm  (Doors open @ 6:30)

Lions Gate Hospital Gymnasium

Registration is encouraged and can be done online at or by calling 604-904-6200 Ext 4150.

Barbara Allen emphasizes healthy eating as a cornerstone of diabetes management

As this year’s keynote speaker, Registered Dietitian Barbara Allan has practiced in a variety of nutrition areas and holds a special interest in people with diabetes, prompting her to become one of Canada’s first Certified Diabetes Educators, a designation she has retained since 1991.

Barbara  has volunteered with the Canadian Diabetes Association for many years and has been involved in creating nationally-used educational materials for people with diabetes as well as co-writing the Diabetes Prevention and Management Cookbook.

As Ellen Mackay, Clinical Dietitian with the North Shore DEC says, “Healthy eating is the cornerstone of diabetes management whether you have prediabetes or take medications to control blood glucose. Learning how to make eating ‘personal’ keeps the joy in eating and helps lead to long term health.”

In addition to the keynote presentation, Forum attendees will have opportunity to learn about community resources available to support them in diabetes prevention and management.

North Shore Diabetes Education Centre prepares to celebrate its 50th anniversary

In early 2016, the North Shore Diabetes Education Centre will celebrate 50 years of serving the North Shore, offering residents a range of diabetes programming that allows clients to learn and practise diabetes management skills. The Centre continues to innovate to meet the changing needs of the community and health care providers who support patients or clients with diabetes. North Shore residents interested in finding out more about the Diabetes Education Centre should go to:

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